1. What series movie can i watch if i like watching technology and comedy based movies.

There are several series of movies that you can watch if you enjoy technology and comedy. Here are a few suggestions:

1. "Iron Man" series: This series follows the story of Tony Stark, a billionaire genius who invents advanced technology and builds a suit to become a superhero. It combines action, comedy, and advanced technology.

2. "Back to the Future" trilogy: These movies center around a time-traveling DeLorean car and the adventures of Marty McFly. They blend science fiction, comedy, and technology in a fun and entertaining way.

3. "The Austin Powers" series: This comedy franchise parodies the spy genre with technology and humor. It follows the hilarious adventures of British secret agent Austin Powers as he battles his arch-nemesis.

4. "Ghostbusters" series: This popular series features a team of scientists who use advanced technology to capture ghosts in New York City. It mixes comedy, supernatural elements, and technology in a unique and entertaining way.

5. "The Naked Gun" trilogy: These movies are hilarious spoofs of detective and spy films. They follow the bumbling detective Frank Drebin as he stumbles through absurd cases using various gadgets and technology.

These series are a great mix of comedy and technology, offering an enjoyable viewing experience.