Mo is using a wheelbarrow to haul 50 pound bags of gravel to the driveway. The wheelbarrow can hold at most 250 lbs so how many bags can they carry on one wheelbarrow load?

inverse operation step
solution with inequality symbol
open or closed circle, arrow pointing left or right

Let x represent the number of bags that Mo can carry on one wheelbarrow load.

The total weight of x bags is 50x pounds.

The inequality representing the maximum weight that the wheelbarrow can hold is:

50x ≤ 250

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the inequality by 50:

50x/50 ≤ 250/50

x ≤ 5

Therefore, Mo can carry at most 5 bags on one wheelbarrow load.

The inequality symbol is ≤ (less than or equal to).

Since the inequality is inclusive (equal to), we use a closed circle to represent the solution set.

what is the variable?

The variable in this problem is x. It represents the number of bags that Mo can carry on one wheelbarrow load.

what is the inverse operation step

The inverse operation step in this problem is dividing both sides of the inequality by 50. This is done to isolate the variable x on one side of the inequality.

wich way would the arrow point left or right?

The arrow would point to the left.