Thinking about the documentary, Trafficked in America, why would the subjects of this video be considered modern day slaves? What factors/ characteristics made these minors vulnerable to slavery? Thinking of the government policies mentioned, which helped facilitate their enslavement, which policies addressed the situation once uncovered? Referring to course material and your own ideas, what role can consumers play to help fight modern day slavery? From the perspective of law and criminal justice (both domestic and international), what ideas do you have for fighting modern slavery?

The subjects of Trafficked in America can be considered modern-day slaves due to the numerous factors and characteristics that made them vulnerable to slavery. These factors include their age (minors), their immigration status, their socioeconomic background, and their limited support networks or resources. These minors were targeted and exploited by traffickers who took advantage of their vulnerabilities to force them into various forms of labor and exploitation.

As for government policies that facilitated their enslavement, the documentary highlighted the lack of effective regulation and oversight in certain industries, such as the agricultural sector, where child labor and trafficking are prevalent. These industries often exploit loopholes in labor regulations and employ lax hiring practices, making it easier for traffickers to exploit vulnerable individuals.

Once these cases were uncovered, various policies were implemented to address the situation. For instance, stronger regulations were put in place to ensure labor and human trafficking violations were taken more seriously. Additionally, law enforcement agencies worked to improve their coordination and intelligence sharing to better identify and investigate cases of modern slavery.

Consumers also have a role to play in fighting modern slavery. By being conscious of their purchases and actively seeking products made without slave labor, consumers can contribute to the demand for ethical and fair-trade products. Supporting organizations that work to combat human trafficking and advocating for stronger regulations and enforcement can also make a difference.

From a law and criminal justice perspective, several ideas can be considered to combat modern slavery. Firstly, there needs to be a focus on prevention through better education and awareness programs targeting vulnerable populations. Strengthening labor regulations and increasing penalties for violations can act as deterrents for traffickers. Enhanced international cooperation and information sharing between law enforcement agencies can help disrupt trafficking networks that operate across borders. Additionally, the identification and support of victims should be prioritized, providing them with access to legal aid, social services, and protection while ensuring their traffickers are brought to justice.

Overall, addressing modern slavery requires a multi-faceted approach involving government policies, consumer awareness, and robust law enforcement efforts both domestically and internationally.