Kesha is an hourly worker and is paid bi-weekly.

Her wage is $25, and she is scheduled for 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. She also works 4 hours every other Saturday at time-and-a-half pay. How much is the gross income on Kesha's paystub normally?
(1 point)
$2, 100

Kesha's wage per hour is $25, and she works 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. So her weekly income from Monday to Friday is 25 * 8 * 5 = $<<25*8*5=1000>>1,000.

Every other Saturday, Kesha works 4 hours at time-and-a-half pay, which is $25 * 1.5 = $<<25*1.5=37.5>>37.5 per hour.
So every other Saturday, Kesha earns 37.5 * 4 = $<<37.5*4=150>>150.
In two weeks, she works 5 weekdays per week, so in two weeks, she makes 5 * 1000 = $<<5*1000=5000>>5,000 from Monday to Friday.
She also works every other Saturday, so in two weeks, she makes 150 * 2 = $<<150*2=300>>300 from Saturdays.
In total, in two weeks, her gross income is $5,000 + $300 = $<<5000+300=5300>>5300.
So, the gross income on Kesha's paystub normally is $5300. Answer: $\boxed{4,300}$.