Describe four roles natural resources play in economic development

1. Source of raw materials: Natural resources such as minerals, oil, and timber serve as inputs for various industries, supporting economic development. These resources can be processed and used to manufacture goods and provide services, creating jobs and generating income. For example, petroleum is a crucial input in the production of transportation fuels, plastics, and various chemicals.

2. Energy production: Natural resources like coal, natural gas, and hydroelectric power are essential for energy production. Access to affordable and reliable energy sources is vital for economic growth as it powers industries, infrastructure, and commercial activities. Developing these resources can enhance a country's energy self-sufficiency and reduce dependency on imports, contributing to economic development.

3. Revenue generation: Many countries depend on the export of natural resources to generate revenue and boost their national income. Exporting commodities such as oil, gas, minerals, and agricultural products can provide significant foreign exchange earnings. This income can be invested in other sectors of the economy, such as education, healthcare, infrastructure, or diversification efforts, promoting economic growth and development.

4. Tourism and recreation: Natural resources such as pristine landscapes, wildlife, forests, beaches, and mountains can attract tourists and support the development of the tourism industry. Tourism can create employment opportunities, attract foreign exchange through visitor spending, and stimulate economic activities, particularly in rural or remote areas. Preserving and sustainably managing natural resources can contribute to the growth of this sector, providing economic benefits to local communities and regions.