I'm trying to create a graph in excel and how come when i put this into my graph


I get undefined
and all my calculators on my computer also give me undefined

however my ti 83 gives me an answer around 19

I got an answer around 14 or 14 1/2...

I'm not sure why its not letting you graph it. Try doing it on paper I guess and see if you get a reasonable answer. That's all I can suggest.

the way you typed it, I get

= (21.8/151.1)(100)
= 14.42753..

the 100 at the end looks suspicious.
is it supposed to be an exponent?

now i'm trying to find a percent

The reason you are getting an "undefined" value when inputting the expression into Excel and other calculators on your computer is because of the formatting and syntax mistakes in the expression itself.

When typing equations or expressions in Excel and most calculators, you need to follow the correct order of operations and include the necessary mathematical symbols. In your case, it seems like you are missing some of these elements.

To analyze the specific expression: (21.8(151.1)^-1)100, let's break it down step by step:

1. Firstly, you have a multiplication operation between 21.8 and (151.1)^-1. To indicate multiplication, you should use the "*" symbol. So, this part of the expression should be written as 21.8 * (151.1)^-1.

2. Next, you have to evaluate the exponent (151.1)^-1. To raise a number to a negative exponent, you should use the "^" symbol. In this case, (151.1)^-1 represents 1 divided by 151.1. So, the updated expression becomes 21.8 * (1 / 151.1).

3. Finally, you are multiplying the result of the above expression by 100. So, the complete and correct expression now is: 21.8 * (1 / 151.1) * 100.

If you enter this revised expression into Excel or any calculator, you should get a result that is similar to what your TI-83 calculator is showing, around 19.

Remember to double-check the syntax, use the appropriate symbols for mathematical operations, and follow the order of operations (parentheses, exponents, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction) to avoid getting "undefined" or incorrect results.