Ann Barry

by Gilbert Stuart

Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington

What does contrast in value help accomplish in this painting?
(1 point)

Create a pattern in the background.
Create a pattern in the background.

Create a sense of unity due the limited use of contrast.
Create a sense of unity due the limited use of contrast.

Create a sense of chaos in the image as a whole.
Create a sense of chaos in the image as a whole.

Create a realistic image that stands out against the background.
Create a realistic image that stands out against the background.

Create a realistic image that stands out against the background.

Keeping facial features in proportion means

(1 point)

that you only use a ruler to determine how big the features are supposed to be.
that you only use a ruler to determine how big the features are supposed to be.

that you keep the largest feature of the face closest to the viewer.
that you keep the largest feature of the face closest to the viewer.

that you make one eye smaller to appear closer to you when the face is turned.
that you make one eye smaller to appear closer to you when the face is turned.

that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

that you keep the size of the features in a logical relation to each other.

Contrast in value refers to the difference in lightness and darkness of different areas in a painting. In the painting "Ann Barry" by Gilbert Stuart, contrast in value helps to accomplish creating a realistic image that stands out against the background. By using varying degrees of lightness and darkness, the artist is able to create depth and dimension, making the subject of the painting appear more three-dimensional and lifelike. The contrast in value also helps to create a sense of realism by distinguishing the figure of Ann Barry from the background, allowing her to be the focal point of the painting. This contrast enhances the visual impact of the artwork and makes the subject more visually striking. Therefore, the correct answer is "Create a realistic image that stands out against the background."