How does the resistance change as you add bulbs to a series circuit?

The resistance does not change.
The resistance decreases.
The resistance increases.

The resistance increases.

What are the advantages of parallel circuits? Check all that apply.

If one bulb goes out, the other bulbs go out.
If one bulb goes out, the other bulbs stay lit.
If there is a break in one branch of the circuit, current can still flow through the other branches.
If there is a break in one branch of the circuit, current cannot flow at all.
Parallel circuits are simple to design and build.
Parallel circuits are complicated to design and build.

If one bulb goes out, the other bulbs stay lit.

If there is a break in one branch of the circuit, current can still flow through the other branches.
Parallel circuits are simple to design and build.

Parallel circuits are simple to design and build. is not correct but the other 2 are and there's only 2 right ones.

Apologies for the incorrect statement. You are correct that "Parallel circuits are simple to design and build." is not an advantage of parallel circuits. The correct advantages of a parallel circuit are:

- If one bulb goes out, the other bulbs stay lit.
- If there is a break in one branch of the circuit, current can still flow through the other branches.

Which components do all circuits have in common? Select three options.

energy source
device that needs electrical energy

The three components that all circuits have in common are:

- Energy source
- Wires
- Device that needs electrical energy

Any device that uses current is a


Any device that uses current is a resistor.

A short horizontal line leads to a small circle, which then has a longer line point up at about 45 degrees. A gap in the horizontal line that led to the circle ends with another small circle and then a short horizontal line segment.

In a circuit diagram, what does this symbol represent?

a resistor
a light bulb
a battery
a switch