_______________– large uncontrolled spout of petroleum from a newly drilled well; can be similar to an explosion like a cannon (Example: what happened at Spindletop U2L5 page 18

A gusher

_______________ – an area with common physical characteristics (U2L6 page 9

A geographic region.


I apologize for the incorrect response.

Based on the given context, the term you are referring to is likely a "natural region."

The incident you are referring to is known as a blowout. A blowout occurs when there is an uncontrolled release of petroleum from a newly drilled oil well. It is often characterized by a large spout-like eruption of oil, resembling an explosion similar to a cannon.

To find more information about the blowout that occurred at Spindletop, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting an online search using relevant keywords such as "Spindletop blowout" or "Spindletop oil well explosion."

2. Look for credible sources of information, such as historical records, newspaper articles, or reputable websites related to the oil industry or Texas history.

3. Government websites, libraries, or academic institutions might provide valuable resources on historical events like the Spindletop blowout. Specific databases or archives dedicated to historical records could contain more detailed information.

4. If available, consider accessing books or publications that focus on the history of oil exploration or the Spindletop field. These sources often provide comprehensive accounts of the blowout and its impact.

By following these steps, you should be able to find specific details about the blowout at Spindletop and learn more about its historical significance.