For the assignment, you will write a 5 paragraph argument essay that answers the question: Does having command, authority, or influence always cause dishonest actions for money or personal gain?

You will prove your argument by using textual clues/ evidence from Macbeth.

Title: The Correlation Between Power and Dishonest Actions: A Study of Macbeth

The question of whether having command, authority, or influence always leads to dishonest actions for monetary or personal gain is a complex and thought-provoking one. In William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the protagonist's pursuit of power sheds light on the consequences of unchecked ambition. By exploring the character of Macbeth and examining textual evidence, it becomes evident that while power can indeed lead to dishonest actions, it is not an inevitable outcome.

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Macbeth's transformation from a noble and honorable warrior to a dishonest and power-hungry tyrant is a central theme in the play. Initially, Macbeth's ambition is ignited by the prophesies of the witches and his desire to fulfill his potential. However, it is the lure of power and his hunger for it that precipitates his descent into dishonesty. Shakespeare illustrates this in Act 1, Scene 4, when Macbeth contemplates the murder of King Duncan as an avenue to ascend to the throne. Here, power acts as the catalyst for dishonest actions, highlighting its corrupting influence.

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Macbeth's relationship with Lady Macbeth also serves as evidence of how power can drive dishonest behavior. In Act 1, Scene 5, Lady Macbeth manipulates Macbeth's sense of masculinity and ambition, impelling him to commit regicide. She warns him to "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it." The deceitful actions they undertake in pursuit of power demonstrate that power can lead even the most noble individuals to engage in dishonest deeds. Macbeth's transformation is driven not only by his own ambition, but also by the toxic influence of Lady Macbeth, highlighting how power can indirectly cause dishonesty.

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While Macbeth's actions showcase the potential for power to lead to dishonesty, it is important to note that not all characters in the play follow this trajectory. In Act 5, Scene 1, Lady Macbeth is tormented by guilt and sleepwalks, plagued by her role in Duncan's murder. This demonstrates that power alone does not guarantee dishonest actions. Lady Macbeth's remorse stands as a counterpoint to Macbeth's descent into immorality, suggesting that individual character traits and personal moral compasses play a significant role in determining whether power leads to dishonesty.

In conclusion, Macbeth's journey in Shakespeare's play serves as a cautionary tale about the relationship between power and dishonest actions. While power can act as a catalyst for dishonesty, it is not inherently responsible for corrupting individuals. Macbeth's transformation is influenced by his own ambitions and the manipulations of Lady Macbeth, portraying the potent combination of power and personal traits. Ultimately, power's impact on an individual's honesty is influenced by a range of factors, emphasizing the nuanced nature of this correlation.