Which three were part of the Indian Ocean trade route?

The three regions that were part of the Indian Ocean trade route are:

1. East Africa: East African coastal cities such as Mombasa, Zanzibar, and Quelimane were important trading centers along the Indian Ocean route. Goods such as gold, ivory, spices, and slaves were traded here.

2. Arabian Peninsula: Coastal cities in the Arabian Peninsula, including Aden, Muscat, and Calicut, played a significant role in the Indian Ocean trade. Arab traders established trading posts and facilitated the exchange of goods between Africa, India, and the Middle East.

3. Southeast Asia: Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, as well as the city-state of Singapore, were crucial trade hubs in Southeast Asia along the Indian Ocean route. These regions traded a variety of goods, including spices (such as nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon), silk, porcelain, and precious metals.