Scholars have various theories about the internal and external factors that led to the fall of the Ghana Empire. In 1–2 sentences, explain what you think was the most important factor that led to the fall of the Ghana Empire and provide details to support your claim.

I believe that the most important factor that led to the fall of the Ghana Empire was the decline in trans-Saharan trade routes, which significantly impacted the empire's economy and political stability. The disruption of these trade routes due to the rise of alternative trade routes and the adoption of new technologies weakened Ghana's control over trade, resulting in a decline in wealth and power.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with information about the various theories suggested by scholars. According to some scholars, the most important factor that led to the fall of the Ghana Empire was the combination of internal dynastic struggles and external pressures from the Almoravids, a Muslim Berber dynasty that expanded in the 11th century. These factors contributed to the weakening of Ghana's political and economic power and eventually led to its downfall.