why is it important to use credible sources when writing an argument?

a. To make an argument more biased.
b. To make an argument more debatable.
c. To make an argument more trustworthy.
d. To make a argument more up-to-date.

c. To make an argument more trustworthy.

The correct answer is c. To make an argument more trustworthy.

When writing an argument, it is important to use credible sources because they help establish the credibility and validity of your claims. Credible sources are those that have reliable and accurate information, and are backed by evidence and expertise in the relevant field. Here's why using credible sources is important:

1. Accuracy and reliability: Credible sources are typically created by experts in their respective fields or are based on well-established research. They provide accurate and reliable information, which helps strengthen the credibility of your argument.

2. Trustworthiness: Using credible sources makes your argument more trustworthy because it shows that you have done thorough research and have considered multiple perspectives. It helps build confidence in your readers or audience, as they can rely on the information you are presenting.

3. Supporting evidence: Credible sources provide supporting evidence for your arguments. They give you access to information, data, and research that can validate your claims and make your argument more persuasive.

4. Avoiding bias: Credible sources are typically unbiased and present information objectively. By using such sources, you can mitigate the risk of presenting a skewed or one-sided argument. This strengthens your argument by showing that you have considered different viewpoints and have based your claims on well-grounded evidence.

In summary, using credible sources is vital when writing an argument as it enhances the trustworthiness, reliability, and accuracy of your claims while avoiding bias. These sources provide supporting evidence and lend credibility to your arguments, making them more persuasive to your audience.