In 3–5 sentences, explain how trade affected the rise of empires in West Africa.

Trade played a crucial role in the rise of empires in West Africa. The region's key location between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa made it a significant hub for long-distance trade routes. The empires, such as Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, controlled and taxed the trade routes passing through their territories, resulting in wealth accumulation and enhanced political power. This allowed them to create strong centralized states with effective militaries, leading to the rise and expansion of these empires in West Africa.

Trade played a significant role in the rise of empires in West Africa. As the Sahara Desert acted as a natural barrier, it forced the empires to develop routes and networks to facilitate long-distance trade across the region. Empires like Ghana, Mali, and Songhai controlled and taxed the trade routes, which allowed them to accumulate wealth and power. The trade of valuable resources like gold, salt, and slaves further boosted the economic and political influence of these empires, enabling them to expand and build prosperous civilizations.