Which continents have coastlines and mountain ranges that match up?(1 point)


North America and South America
North America and South America

Africa and South America
Africa and South America

Asia and Antarctica
Asia and Antarctica

Africa and North America

Africa and South America

To find out which continents have coastlines and mountain ranges that match up, you can examine their geographical features. One way to do this is by comparing their coastlines and mountain ranges, looking for similarities in their shapes and locations.

For example, North America and South America have coastlines that follow a similar pattern when placed side by side, with the Gulf of Mexico in between. Additionally, the Rocky Mountains in North America have a continuation in the Andes Mountains in South America.

Similarly, Africa and South America also have coastlines that could be matched up, specifically the western coastline of Africa with the eastern coastline of South America. In terms of mountain ranges, the Atlas Mountains in Africa can be connected to the Andes Mountains in South America.

On the other hand, Asia and Antarctica do not have coastlines and mountain ranges that align or match up.

Therefore, the matching coastlines and mountain ranges can be found in North America and South America, as well as in Africa and South America.