Which bureaucratic policy helped the trade industry in the Songhai Empire?(1 point) Responses governors running provinces governors running provinces common weights and measurements common weights and measurements making alliances with neighboring states making alliances with neighboring states administering justice

Common weights and measurements helped the trade industry in the Songhai Empire.

The bureaucratic policy that helped the trade industry in the Songhai Empire was the establishment of common weights and measurements. Common weights and measurements were important for trade because they standardized the units used to measure goods and ensure fairness and consistency in transactions.

To understand this, it's helpful to have some background knowledge about the Songhai Empire. The Songhai Empire was a powerful West African kingdom that existed from the 15th to the 16th century. It was known for its extensive trade networks, particularly in gold and salt.

During this time, trade was a vital part of the economy, and the Songhai Empire recognized the need for efficient and reliable trade practices. One of the ways they achieved this was by implementing a system of common weights and measurements.

Here's how you can find this information:

1. Begin by researching about the Songhai Empire and its trade practices. Look for reputable sources such as history books, academic articles, or educational websites. Make sure to focus on the economic policies and practices of the empire.

2. Look specifically for information about the bureaucratic policies implemented by the Songhai Empire to support trade. Focus on policies related to trade, commerce, and economic regulation.

3. Pay attention to details about the establishment of common weights and measurements as a specific policy designed to facilitate trade. Look for any references to the benefits or impact of this policy on the trade industry.

4. Once you gather enough information from multiple sources, analyze the consensus among scholars or experts regarding the role of common weights and measurements in supporting trade in the Songhai Empire. This will give you a more comprehensive understanding of why this policy was significant.

By following these steps, you can not only find the specific answer to your question but also gain a deeper understanding of the historical context and significance of the bureaucratic policy in question.