Explain what led to the death of Montezuma. (1 point)

• Montezuma was killed by his own people during his initial meeting with Cortes.
Montezuma died as a result of injuries sustained at the hands of his own people during an Aztec revolt against the Spaniards
• Montezuma died from illness after his initial meeting with Cortés.
• Montezuma died in a battle with Pedro de Alvarado while Cortés was away taking care of other business.

Montezuma died as a result of injuries sustained at the hands of his own people during an Aztec revolt against the Spaniards.

To determine what led to the death of Montezuma, we need to analyze the options provided:

1. Montezuma was killed by his own people during his initial meeting with Cortes: This suggests that Montezuma was killed by his own people in a violent confrontation that occurred when he first encountered the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés. This could indicate that Montezuma's own people turned against him, possibly due to his perceived collaboration with the Spanish.

2. Montezuma died as a result of injuries sustained at the hands of his own people during an Aztec revolt against the Spaniards: This option suggests that Montezuma suffered injuries during an Aztec revolt against the Spanish forces. It implies that the revolt was targeted not only at the Spanish invaders but also at Montezuma himself. This could imply that his own people saw him as a traitor or collaborator.

3. Montezuma died from illness after his initial meeting with Cortés: This option presents a different possibility altogether. It suggests that Montezuma's death was a result of illness rather than direct violence. This implies that his initial meeting with Cortés did not directly contribute to his death but potentially weakened his health, making him susceptible to illness.

4. Montezuma died in a battle with Pedro de Alvarado while Cortes was away taking care of other business: This option suggests that Montezuma died in a battle against Pedro de Alvarado, a Spanish conquistador, while Cortés was absent. This implies that Montezuma engaged in conflict with the Spanish forces, leading to his demise.

The accurate answer, based on historical records, is that Montezuma died as a result of injuries sustained at the hands of his own people during an Aztec revolt against the Spaniards. This option aligns with the historical account that Montezuma was held captive by the Spanish during the uprising and was killed during the conflict.