simplify 48 square root

The square root of 48 cannot be simplified to a whole number because 48 does not have any perfect square factors. However, it can be simplified by factoring out the largest perfect square possible, which is 16. Thus, we can write 48 as 16 times 3.

√48 = √(16 * 3)

By using the property of square roots that √(a*b) = √a * √b, we can separate the square root of 48 into the square root of 16 times the square root of 3.

√48 = √16 * √3

The square root of 16 is 4, so the simplified form is:

√48 = 4√3

To simplify the square root of 48, you can break it down into its prime factors. The prime factorization of 48 is 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3.

Now, you can group the pairs of the same prime factors together and take them out of the square root. Since there are two pairs of 2's, you can take one pair out of the square root. Thus, the square root of 48 can be simplified as 2 x 2 x square root of 3.

Further simplification can be achieved by multiplying the 2's outside the square root. 2 x 2 equals 4. Therefore, the simplified form of the square root of 48 is 4 times the square root of 3.

In mathematical notation, this can be written as √48 = 4√3.