How does Olivia feel at the end of Act III, Scene 1 when Cesario leaves?

complete desperate
mildly hopeful
furious and frustrated
utterly hopeless

mildly hopeful

To determine Olivia's feelings at the end of Act III, Scene 1 when Cesario leaves, we can analyze her interactions and dialogue in the scene. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read Act III, Scene 1 of the play where the events in question take place. Pay close attention to Olivias's interactions with Cesario and her dialogue throughout the scene.

2. Observe Olivia's behavior during Cesario's departure. Note any specific actions, words, or emotions she expresses.

3. Analyze Olivia's dialogue and any stage directions provided by the playwright. Look for hints or cues about her emotional state or thoughts as Cesario leaves.

4. Consider the context of Olivia's relationship with Cesario. Reflect on any previous interactions they've had and how those interactions might influence her emotions in this moment.

5. Based on your analysis, evaluate the possible options: complete desperation, mild hopefulness, fury and frustration, or utter hopelessness. Consider the evidence from the scene and what it suggests about Olivia's emotional state.

6. Choose the most appropriate answer based on your analysis. Remember that interpretations may vary, so it's best to provide supporting evidence for your choice.

By following these steps, you can determine Olivia's feelings at the end of Act III, Scene 1 when Cesario leaves.