
What should be avoided at mealtime?
(1 point)
praising the host
having a second helping
tasting everything
starting to eat before others

starting to eat before others

To determine what should be avoided at mealtime, we can look for clues within the question itself. The options provided are praising the host, having a second helping, tasting everything, and starting to eat before others. It is important to note that cultural and social norms may vary, but generally, one should avoid starting to eat before others.

To justify this answer and understand its reasoning, here's an explanation:

Principally, starting to eat before others is considered impolite and can be seen as a sign of impatience or disrespect. It is customary to wait until everyone is seated and has their food before beginning to eat. This practice helps foster a sense of togetherness and demonstrates respect for others at the table.

On the other hand, praising the host is typically encouraged as it shows gratitude and appreciation for their efforts. It creates a positive atmosphere and acknowledges their role in hosting the meal.

Having a second helping and tasting everything are subjective and depend on individual preferences and appetite. While some might opt for a second serving or attempt different dishes to explore new flavors, it's essential to be mindful of portion sizes and not waste food if it cannot be consumed.

In conclusion, based on the provided options, starting to eat before others should be avoided at mealtime. However, it's always a good idea to consider cultural norms, the specific context you are in, and be respectful and considerate of others when dining.