
Which of the following is sweet?
(1 point)
el pan tostado
el perro caliente
el jugo de manzana
las papas fritas

el jugo de manzana

To determine which of the options is sweet, you can consider the nature of the items listed.

El pan tostado refers to toasted bread and generally does not have a sweet taste.

El perro caliente refers to a hot dog, which is typically savory and not sweet.

El jugo de manzana translates to apple juice, which is often sweet.

Las papas fritas are French fries, which are typically savory, not sweet.

Based on this information, the option that is sweet is el jugo de manzana (apple juice).


Which one is not a fruit?
(1 point)
la fresa
la naranja
la salchicha
la manzana

The option that is not a fruit is la salchicha (sausage).