Denise worked for 3 hours and earned $24. At this rate, how much does

Denise earn in 1 hour?
A. $16 B. $8 C. $6 D. $4

To find out how much Denise earns in 1 hour, divide the total amount earned by the number of hours worked.

$24 / 3 hours = $<<24/3=8>>8

Therefore, Denise earns $8 in 1 hour.

The correct answer is B. $8.

To find out how much Denise earns in 1 hour, we need to divide the total amount she earned by the number of hours worked. In this case, Denise worked for 3 hours and earned $24.

To find out how much Denise earns in 1 hour, we divide $24 by 3, since she worked for 3 hours.

$24 / 3 = $8

Therefore, Denise earns $8 in 1 hour.

So the correct answer is B. $8.