A scientist samples a deer population and finds 200 deer in an area of 10 square miles. On average, how many deer can the scientist expect to find in an area of 300 square miles?(1 point) Responses 60,000 deer 60,000 deer 6,000 deer 6,000 deer 320 deer 320 deer 20 deer

To find the expected number of deer in an area of 300 square miles, we can use the concept of proportions.

The scientist found 200 deer in an area of 10 square miles.

So, the proportion of deer to the area sampled can be expressed as:

200 deer / 10 square miles = x deer / 300 square miles

Cross multiplying, we get:

10 * x = 200 * 300

Simplifying, we have:

10x = 60000

Dividing both sides by 10, we find:

x = 6000

Therefore, the scientist can expect to find 6000 deer in an area of 300 square miles.

So the correct answer is 6,000 deer.

To determine the average number of deer in an area of 300 square miles, we need to calculate the density of the deer population.

Density is defined as the number of individuals per unit area.

First, we calculate the density of the deer population in the sample area of 10 square miles:
Density = Number of deer / Area
Density = 200 deer / 10 square miles
Density = 20 deer per square mile

Now, we can use this density to estimate the deer population in the 300 square mile area:
Number of deer = Density x Area
Number of deer = 20 deer per square mile x 300 square miles
Number of deer = 6000 deer

Therefore, the scientist can expect to find around 6000 deer in an area of 300 square miles.

So, the correct answer is 6,000 deer.

At the grocery store, one brand of ice cream costs $4.50 for 48 ounces. The same brand costs $7 for 128 ounces or $3 for 64 ounces. Which size has the lower unit price?(1 point) Responses 128 ounces 128 ounces They cost the same per ounce. They cost the same per ounce. 64 ounces 64 ounces 48 ounces

To find the size with the lower unit price, we can calculate the cost per ounce for each size.

For the 48 ounces size:
Cost per ounce = Total cost / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $4.50 / 48 ounces
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.0938

For the 128 ounces size:
Cost per ounce = Total cost / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $7 / 128 ounces
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.0547

For the 64 ounces size:
Cost per ounce = Total cost / Total ounces
Cost per ounce = $3 / 64 ounces
Cost per ounce ≈ $0.0469

Comparing the cost per ounce for each size, we can see that the 64 ounces size has the lower unit price.

So, the correct answer is 64 ounces.

A subscription to Time magazine is $24.97 for one year, $45.94 for two years, or $74.91 for three years. Which plan is least expensive if you want the subscription per year? Solve this problem using unit price.(1 point) Responses The plans are the same price for two years. The plans are the same price for two years. $45.94 for two years $45.94 for two years $24.97 for one year $24.97 for one year $74.91 for three years

To determine the least expensive plan per year, we need to calculate the unit price per year for each plan.

For the one-year plan:
Unit price per year = Total cost / Number of years
Unit price per year = $24.97 / 1 year
Unit price per year = $24.97

For the two-year plan:
Unit price per year = Total cost / Number of years
Unit price per year = $45.94 / 2 years
Unit price per year ≈ $22.97

For the three-year plan:
Unit price per year = Total cost / Number of years
Unit price per year = $74.91 / 3 years
Unit price per year ≈ $24.97

Comparing the unit price per year for each plan, we can see that the two-year plan has the lowest unit price per year.

So, the correct answer is $45.94 for two years.