Mr. Spears was purchasing supplies for his math classroom. He had $25 to spend. Mechanical pencils and erasers come in bundles of 10. Each eraser costs $0.50. Fill in the missing place in the equation to compute the cost of each mechanical pencil.(1 point)

To compute the cost of each mechanical pencil, we need to know the cost of each bundle of mechanical pencils. However, this information is missing from the given equation.

To compute the cost of each mechanical pencil, we need to first determine the cost of the erasers and the total cost of all the supplies.

Given that each eraser costs $0.50 and comes in bundles of 10, we can calculate the cost of one bundle of erasers by multiplying the cost per eraser ($0.50) by the number of erasers in a bundle (10):

Cost of erasers = $0.50 * 10 = $5.00

Since Mr. Spears had a total of $25 to spend and the cost of the erasers is $5.00, we can subtract the cost of the erasers from the total amount to find out how much is left to spend on mechanical pencils:

Amount remaining = Total amount - Cost of erasers = $25 - $5 = $20.00

Now, since mechanical pencils come in bundles as well, let's say each bundle contains 'p' number of mechanical pencils. Therefore, the cost of 'p' number of mechanical pencils is the amount remaining ($20.00).

So, the equation to compute the cost of each mechanical pencil would be:

Cost of each mechanical pencil * p = $20.00

To find the cost of each mechanical pencil, we can divide both sides of the equation by 'p':

(Cost of each mechanical pencil * p) / p = $20.00 / p

This simplifies to:

Cost of each mechanical pencil = $20.00 / p

Hence, the missing place in the equation to compute the cost of each mechanical pencil is $20.00 / p.