Which context clues helped you understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph?(2 points)


public interest
public interest

ordinary folks
ordinary folks

good deed
good deed

online collection


To understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph, we can analyze the context clues surrounding it. Unfortunately, the given paragraph is missing, so we don't have the necessary information to provide a specific answer. However, I can explain how context clues can generally help to understand the meaning of a word.

Context clues are the hints or information given in a text that can assist in determining the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Here are four common types of context clues:

1. Definition clue: The passage may provide a direct definition or explanation of the word. Look for phrases like "means" or "refers to" preceding or following the word.

2. Synonym clue: The passage might include a word or phrase with a similar meaning to the unknown word. This similarity can help you infer the meaning.

3. Antonym clue: The surrounding words or phrases may contain an opposite meaning to the unknown word, providing an indication of its meaning.

4. Example or explanation clue: The sentence or passage may provide an example or further description of the word, offering insight into its meaning.

By examining these context clues, you can usually identify and comprehend the meaning of an unknown word.

not an answer choice

I apologize for that. Unfortunately, without the specific paragraph or any options provided, it is not possible to identify the context clues that helped understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph.

An online collection has raised more than $145,000 for a man who stumbled onto a pile of money and turned it over to police. Glen James' story of a good deed is just one of many making headlines. It may not be exactly brand new, but public interest does seem to be piqued these days by ordinary folks making what are seen as extraordinary ethical decisions.

The context clues that helped understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph are:

1. "good deed": This phrase suggests that ethical decisions involve doing something morally right or virtuous.

2. "ordinary folks making what are seen as extraordinary ethical decisions": This phrase indicates that ethical decisions are being made by regular people and are considered extraordinary, implying that they involve actions aligned with moral principles.

well which one is it

The specific context clue that helped understand the meaning of the word "ethical" in the paragraph is "ordinary folks making what are seen as extraordinary ethical decisions." This phrase suggests that ethical decisions are being made by regular individuals and are considered extraordinary due to their alignment with moral principles.