
The term "Pax Mongolica" ("Mongolian Peace") is used by historians to describe
A the Chinese defeat of the Mongol empire.the Chinese defeat of the Mongol empire.
B the defeat of the Mongols by a unified Europe.the defeat of the Mongols by a unified Europe.
C the cultural diffusion that took place as a result of Genghis Khan.the cultural diffusion that took place as a result of Genghis Khan.
D the stabilizing effects created by the domination of the Mongols in Eurasia.

D the stabilizing effects created by the domination of the Mongols in Eurasia.

To find the answer to this question, we can break down the options and analyze them one by one.

A. The Chinese defeat of the Mongol empire: This option suggests that the term "Pax Mongolica" refers to the Chinese defeating the Mongol empire. However, this contradicts the meaning of the term, as "Pax Mongolica" actually refers to a period of peace and stability resulting from Mongol domination.

B. The defeat of the Mongols by a unified Europe: This option suggests that the term "Pax Mongolica" refers to Europe defeating the Mongols. However, this also contradicts the meaning of the term, as "Pax Mongolica" refers to the peace and stability that occurred during the Mongol rule.

C. The cultural diffusion that took place as a result of Genghis Khan: This option suggests that the term "Pax Mongolica" refers to the cultural diffusion caused by Genghis Khan. While Genghis Khan did contribute to cultural diffusion, the term "Pax Mongolica" specifically refers to the period of peace and stability in Eurasia during the Mongol empire.

D. The stabilizing effects created by the domination of the Mongols in Eurasia: This option correctly identifies the meaning of "Pax Mongolica." It refers to the stabilizing effects that occurred as a result of Mongol domination in Eurasia. This dominance brought about peace, stability, and facilitated trade and cultural exchange across the vast Mongol Empire.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: the stabilizing effects created by the domination of the Mongols in Eurasia.