Which of the following examples represents a discrete data constraint with viable solutions

Number of test passed
Average score on a test
Average weight of all is in newborns in a hospital
Distance between points

Number of test passed is an example of discrete data constraint with viable solutions.

The number of test passed can only take on whole number values (e.g. 0, 1, 2, 3, ...), and each value represents a distinct and countable outcome. It is discrete because it cannot take on fractional or continuous values.

For example, if a student takes 5 tests, the possible values for the number of tests passed could be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. There are clear and distinct options for the number of tests that can be passed, making it a discrete data constraint.

The example that represents a discrete data constraint with viable solutions is "Number of test passed."

To determine the number of tests passed, you would need to count the total number of tests attempted by individuals and identify the ones that were successfully passed. This data is discrete because it consists of distinct, separate values (e.g., 0, 1, 2, etc.) and does not have a continuous range.

Viable solutions in this context would be simply counting the number of tests that have been passed by each individual. For example, if a group of students took 5 tests in total, you could find the number of tests passed for each student by checking their records.

On the other hand, the other examples mentioned are not discrete data constraints:

- Average score on a test: This is not discrete because the scores can vary continuously. For instance, scores on a test can range from 0 to 100, with various decimals in between.

- Average weight of all newborns in a hospital: This is not discrete either because it involves continuous measurements. The weights of newborns can be measured in pounds or kilograms and can vary on a continuous scale.

- Distance between points: This is also not discrete as it can involve continuous measurements. The distance between two points can vary continuously, as it can be measured in various units (e.g., inches, feet, miles) or even calculated using decimal values.