
Byzantine Emperor Justinian's MOST significant political accomplishment was
A codifying Roman law.codifying Roman law.
B defeating the Roman Empire.defeating the Roman Empire.
C defeating invaders from the south.defeating invaders from the south.
D restoring the empire to its previous size.

A codifying Roman law.

To determine the most significant political accomplishment of Byzantine Emperor Justinian, we can evaluate each response option and consider the historical context.

A) Codifying Roman law: Justinian is known for his efforts to codify Roman law through the creation of a comprehensive legal code known as the "Corpus Juris Civilis." This initiative aimed to provide a clear and unified body of laws that could be applied consistently throughout the Byzantine Empire. It had a significant impact on shaping legal systems in the Byzantine Empire and later influenced legal developments in Western Europe.

B) Defeating the Roman Empire: This response seems inaccurate since Justinian was the ruler of the Byzantine Empire and did not defeat it. The Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire, which survived well beyond Justinian's reign.

C) Defeating invaders from the south: While Justinian did face several invasions during his reign, including conflicts with the Sassanid Empire and various Germanic tribes, defeating invaders from the south was not his most significant accomplishment. Justinian's military campaigns had varying degrees of success but did not profoundly alter the empire's geopolitical landscape.

D) Restoring the empire to its previous size: Justinian's efforts to restore the Byzantine Empire to its former extent are often regarded as his most significant political accomplishment. During his reign, he launched military campaigns that aimed to reclaim territories that had been lost, including parts of Italy and North Africa. These efforts resulted in some successes such as the reconquest of Ravenna and Carthage, bringing regions back under Byzantine rule.

Considering the historical significance and long-term impact, the most significant political accomplishment of Byzantine Emperor Justinian was D) restoring the empire to its previous size.