Line known as a common proper concrete, abstract, collective, and or compound by circling each noun classification of the underlined noun remember be more than one classification he hopes to be accepted at Ruckers University University in New Jersey next year

He hopes to be accepted at Ruckers University in New Jersey next year.


To identify the noun classifications of the underlined nouns, we need to understand the meanings of each classification:

1. Common noun: A common noun refers to a general person, place, thing, or idea, rather than a specific one. It does not start with a capital letter unless it is the first word of a sentence. For example, "book," "city," and "idea" are common nouns.

2. Proper noun: A proper noun refers to a specific person, place, or thing. It always starts with a capital letter. For example, "Rutgers University" and "New Jersey" are proper nouns.

3. Concrete noun: A concrete noun refers to something that can be experienced with the senses, such as a person, animal, or object. For example, "dog" and "tree" are concrete nouns.

4. Abstract noun: An abstract noun refers to something that cannot be perceived by the senses, such as an idea, emotion, or quality. For example, "love" and "happiness" are abstract nouns.

5. Collective noun: A collective noun refers to a group or collection of individuals. For example, "family" and "team" are collective nouns.

6. Compound noun: A compound noun is formed by combining two or more words to create a single noun. For example, "raincoat" and "mailbox" are compound nouns.

Now, let's analyze the sentence and categorize the underlined nouns:

"He hopes to be accepted at Rutgers University in New Jersey next year."

- "He" is a pronoun, not a noun, so it is not underlined in the sentence.
- "Rutgers University" is a proper noun because it refers to a specific educational institution.
- "University" is a common noun and is not underlined.
- "New Jersey" is a proper noun because it refers to a specific state.
- "Year" is a common noun and is not underlined.

Based on the classifications outlined above, the underlined noun ("Rutgers University") is a proper noun. Therefore, it does not fall into the categories of common, concrete, abstract, collective, or compound nouns.