What is the solution of 82.78(p+11.892)=72.8464 when solving for p? Do not round your answer.

To solve for p, we will first distribute 82.78 to the terms inside the parentheses:

82.78(p + 11.892) = 72.8464

Simplifying, we get:

82.78p + 979.98176 = 72.8464

Next, subtract 979.98176 from both sides:

82.78p = 72.8464 - 979.98176

Simplifying further, we have:

82.78p = -907.13536

Finally, divide both sides by 82.78:

p = -907.13536 / 82.78

Therefore, the solution for p is approximately -10.95133762.

To solve for p in the equation 82.78(p+11.892) = 72.8464, follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 82.78 to the terms inside the parentheses:
82.78p + 82.78 * 11.892 = 72.8464

Step 2: Simplify the equation by multiplying:
82.78p + 980.12936 = 72.8464

Step 3: Subtract 980.12936 from both sides to isolate the variable term:
82.78p = 72.8464 - 980.12936
82.78p = -907.28296

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 82.78 to solve for p:
p = -907.28296 / 82.78

Step 5: Calculate the value for p:
p ≈ -10.9568

Therefore, the solution for p in the equation is approximately -10.9568.

To solve the equation 82.78(p + 11.892) = 72.8464 for p, you need to isolate the variable p on one side of the equation.

First, distribute the 82.78 to the terms inside the parentheses:

82.78p + 82.78 * 11.892 = 72.8464

Next, simplify the equation by multiplying the two values:

82.78p + 981.62496 = 72.8464

Now, subtract 981.62496 from both sides of the equation to move it to the right side:

82.78p = 72.8464 - 981.62496

Simplify the expression on the right side:

82.78p = -908.77856

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 82.78 to solve for p:

p = -908.77856 / 82.78

Calculating this division gives us:

p ≈ -10.9717

Therefore, the solution for p in the equation 82.78(p + 11.892) = 72.8464 is approximately -10.9717.

What is the solution of 82.78(p+11.892)=72.8464 when solving for p? Do not round your answer.