Molly has 6 grandchildren. She likes to be fair and buy gifts for all of them at the same time. She found jigsaw puzzles, each discounted by 50¢. Find the original cost of each puzzle if she spent a total of $27.

Each puzzle cost $____

Let's assume that the original cost of each puzzle was x dollars.

If each puzzle was discounted by 50¢, then the cost of each puzzle after the discount would be x - $0.50.
If Molly bought 6 puzzles, then the total cost of the puzzles after the discount would be 6 * (x - $0.50).
We know that the total cost of the puzzles was $27, so we can set up the following equation:
6 * (x - $0.50) = $27
Simplifying the equation, we get:
6x - $3 = $27
Adding $3 to both sides of the equation, we get:
6x = $30
Dividing both sides of the equation by 6, we get:
x = $5
Therefore, the original cost of each puzzle was $5. Answer: \boxed{5}.

Let's assume the original cost of each puzzle is represented by 'x'.

Since each puzzle was discounted by 50¢, the cost after the discount is 'x - 0.50'.

Molly bought a total of 6 puzzles. So the total amount spent on puzzles is: 6 * (x - 0.50).

According to the given information, Molly spent a total of $27 on the puzzles. So we can set up the equation:

6 * (x - 0.50) = 27

Now, let's solve for 'x':

6x - 3 = 27 [distribute the 6]
6x = 27 + 3 [add 3 to both sides]
6x = 30 [simplify]
x = 30/6 [divide both sides by 6]
x = 5

Therefore, the original cost of each puzzle is $5.

To find the original cost of each puzzle, we need to determine the total number of puzzles Molly bought. We know that Molly spent a total of $27 and each puzzle was discounted by 50¢, which means she saved 50¢ on each puzzle.

Let's start by determining how many puzzles Molly bought. We can do this by taking the amount Molly spent and dividing it by the amount she saved on each puzzle:

Amount spent on puzzles = $27
Amount saved per puzzle = $0.50

Number of puzzles bought = Amount spent / Amount saved per puzzle = $27 / $0.50 = 54 puzzles

Now that we know Molly bought 54 puzzles, we can calculate the original cost of each puzzle by dividing the total amount spent by the number of puzzles:

Original cost of each puzzle = Total amount spent / Number of puzzles = $27 / 54 = $0.50

Therefore, the original cost of each puzzle was $0.50.