The sum of four lengths is 4.36m. If three of the lengths are 1½m, 25cm and 2.10m, what is the fourth length in metres?

First, let's convert all the lengths to meters so that they are in the same unit:

1½m = 1.5m
25cm = 0.25m
2.10m = 2.10m

Now, we can add up all the lengths to find the sum:

1.5m + 0.25m + 2.10m + x = 4.36m

Combine the known lengths:

3.85m + x = 4.36m

Now, solve for x by subtracting the sum of the known lengths from both sides:

x = 4.36m - 3.85m

x = 0.51m

Therefore, the fourth length is 0.51 meters.

To find the fourth length, we need to subtract the sum of the three given lengths from the total sum.

Let's convert all the given lengths to meters for consistency:

- 1½m = 1.5m
- 25cm = 0.25m (since 1m = 100cm)
- 2.10m = 2.10m

Now, let's calculate the sum of the three given lengths:

1.5m + 0.25m + 2.10m = 3.85m

To find the fourth length, we subtract the sum of the three given lengths from the total sum:

4.36m - 3.85m = 0.51m

Therefore, the fourth length is 0.51 meters.

To find the fourth length, we need to subtract the sum of the three given lengths from the total sum of four lengths.

Let's convert the three given lengths to meters for consistency:

1½m = 1.5m (since ½m = 0.5m)
25cm = 0.25m (since 1m = 100cm)
2.10m = 2.1m

Now, we can calculate the sum of the three given lengths:
1.5m + 0.25m + 2.1m = 3.85m

Since the sum of the four lengths is 4.36m, we can find the fourth length by subtracting the sum of the three given lengths from the total sum:
4.36m - 3.85m = 0.51m

Therefore, the fourth length is 0.51 meters.