A strand of hair has an average mass of 2.17 * 10 ^ - 5 ounces A grain of rice has an average mass of 0.002 ounces How much heavier is a grain of rice than a strand of hair? Express your answer in scientific notation point)

To find out how much heavier a grain of rice is than a strand of hair, we need to subtract the mass of the hair from the mass of the rice.

The mass of the rice is 0.002 ounces, and the mass of the hair is 2.17 * 10^(-5) ounces.

0.002 - 2.17 * 10^(-5) = 0.0019983

Now we need to express this answer in scientific notation. The number 0.0019983 can be written as 1.9983 * 10^(-3).

Therefore, a grain of rice is 1.9983 * 10^(-3) ounces heavier than a strand of hair.

To determine how much heavier a grain of rice is than a strand of hair, we need to find the difference between their masses.

The mass of a strand of hair is 2.17 * 10^-5 ounces, and the mass of a grain of rice is 0.002 ounces.

To find the difference in their masses, we subtract the mass of the hair strand from the mass of the rice grain:

0.002 - 2.17 * 10^-5 = 0.0019983

In scientific notation, this is written as 1.9983 * 10^-3 ounces.

Therefore, a grain of rice is approximately 1.9983 * 10^-3 (in scientific notation) ounces heavier than a strand of hair.

To find out how much heavier a grain of rice is than a strand of hair, we need to calculate the difference in their masses.

1. Convert the mass of a strand of hair to scientific notation:
2.17 * 10^-5 ounces

2. Convert the mass of a grain of rice to scientific notation:
0.002 ounces

3. Subtract the mass of a strand of hair from the mass of a grain of rice:
(0.002 ounces) - (2.17 * 10^-5 ounces)

To subtract these two values, we need to convert them to the same units.

4. Convert the mass of a strand of hair to ounces:
2.17 * 10^-5 ounces

5. The mass of a grain of rice is already given in ounces.

6. Subtract the two values:
(0.002 ounces) - (2.17 * 10^-5 ounces)

To subtract numbers in scientific notation, you must have the same power of 10 in both numbers.

7. Adjust the exponent of the second value to match the first value:
(0.002 ounces) - (2.17 * 10^-5 ounces)
(0.002 ounces) - (2.17 * 10^-5 * 10^2 ounces)
(0.002 ounces) - (2.17 * 10^-3 ounces)

8. Perform the subtraction:
0.002 ounces - 2.17 * 10^-3 ounces

Now we can express the answer in scientific notation:

9. The difference between the mass of a grain of rice and a strand of hair is approximately:
-1.17 * 10^-3 ounces

Therefore, a grain of rice is approximately 1.17 * 10^-3 ounces heavier than a strand of hair.