A class spends 1 hour 15 minutes on English each school day. If the total time spend in school each day is 15 hours, what fraction of the time is spend on English?

To find the fraction of time spent on English, we first need to convert the time spent on English to a fraction of an hour.

Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 1 hour 15 minutes is equal to 1.25 hours.

Next, we need to find the fraction of time spent on English. To do this, we divide the time spent on English by the total time spent in school.

1.25 hours (time spent on English) รท 15 hours (total time spent in school) = 0.0833

So, the fraction of time spent on English is approximately 0.0833.

First convert 1 hour 15 minutes into minutes: 1 hour * 60 minutes/hour = <<1*60=60>>60 minutes

Then add the 15 minutes to find the total time spent on English per day: 60 minutes + 15 minutes = <<60+15=75>>75 minutes
Then convert the total time spent in school to minutes: 15 hours * 60 minutes/hour = <<15*60=900>>900 minutes
Then divide the total time spent on English by the total time spent in school and multiply by 100% to express the answer as a fraction: 75 minutes / 900 minutes * 100% = 8.33%. Answer: \boxed{\frac{8.33}{100}}.

To find the fraction of time spent on English, we need to compare the time spent on English with the total time spent in school.

First, let's convert 1 hour 15 minutes to minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, we have:

1 hour * 60 minutes/hour = 60 minutes

So, 1 hour 15 minutes is equal to 60 minutes + 15 minutes = 75 minutes.

Now, let's find the total time spent in school in minutes. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour and 15 hours in total, we have:

15 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 900 minutes.

Finally, we can calculate the fraction of time spent on English by dividing the time spent on English by the total time spent in school:

Fraction of time spent on English = (75 minutes / 900 minutes) = 0.0833...

So, the fraction of the time spent on English is approximately 0.0833, or we can write it as 1/12 if we simplify the fraction.