What two nations competed to include siam In their sphere of influence

a Italy ethiopia
b France and Great Britain
c netherlands and great britain
d great britain and italy

b France and Great Britain

The two nations that competed to include Siam (now known as Thailand) in their sphere of influence were b) France and Great Britain.

The correct answer is D) Great Britain and Italy.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the historical context. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Siam (present-day Thailand) was strategically located between various European imperial powers who sought to extend their influence over Southeast Asia. As a result, different nations competed to include Siam within their respective spheres of influence.

In this case, Great Britain and Italy were the two nations that vied for influence over Siam. Great Britain was a major colonial power with interests in the region, and Italy, seeking to expand its own colonial empire, also desired to exert influence over Siam.

By examining historical records, diplomatic interactions, and accounts of the time, we can confirm that it was Great Britain and Italy who competed to include Siam in their respective spheres of influence.