Which agriculture system requires the lowest input labor energy

A Intensive farming
B the development in use of genetically modified crops
C nomadic pastoralism

C Nomadic pastoralism requires the lowest input labor energy compared to the other options.

The agriculture system that requires the lowest input labor energy is C) nomadic pastoralism. In this system, livestock are raised and herded in different locations, and human labor is primarily focused on the movement and management of the animals. This method often requires less intensive labor compared to other systems such as intensive farming, where a significant amount of manual labor is required for tasks such as planting, harvesting, and maintenance. The development and use of genetically modified crops (option B) may reduce the need for certain agricultural practices, but it does not necessarily reduce overall labor energy input.

To determine which agriculture system requires the lowest input labor energy, you can compare the three options presented: intensive farming, the development in use of genetically modified crops, and nomadic pastoralism.

Intensive farming involves using high levels of inputs, including labor energy, to maximize agricultural production on a small land area. This type of farming typically requires significant human labor and energy to maintain soil fertility, control pests, and operate machinery. Therefore, it is not the system with the lowest input labor energy.

The development in the use of genetically modified crops refers to the utilization of genetically engineered plants that have been modified to possess specific traits, such as pest resistance or increased productivity. While this technology can potentially reduce the labor and energy requirements for pest control, it does not necessarily diminish the overall labor energy input associated with agricultural operations. This option is not specifically designed to minimize labor energy input.

Nomadic pastoralism, on the other hand, involves moving livestock herds across different grazing areas in search of fresh forage. This system has been practiced for centuries by certain groups of people, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. While it requires some labor energy for tending to livestock and managing grazing lands, it generally entails lower energy inputs compared to intensive farming or genetically modified crop systems.

Therefore, based on the given options, nomadic pastoralism is likely the agriculture system that requires the lowest input labor energy.