Mansa Musa helped his kingdom flourish by A. Re-establishing trade routes B. Mandating a state religion C. Selling slaves to Europe D. Isolating itself from others

A. Re-establishing trade routes

The correct answer is A. Re-establishing trade routes.

Mansa Musa, who reigned as the emperor of the Mali Empire from 1312 to 1337, played a crucial role in the economic development of his kingdom. One of the ways he helped his kingdom flourish was by re-establishing trade routes. Mansa Musa revived and expanded trade routes between West Africa and North Africa, particularly with the Trans-Saharan trade network. This allowed the Mali Empire to engage in lucrative trade of gold, salt, and other valuable resources, boosting its economy and bringing wealth to the region.

The correct answer is A. Re-establishing trade routes.

To arrive at this answer, one can analyze the historical context surrounding Mansa Musa and his reign as the emperor of the Mali Empire. Here's a breakdown of how to reach the correct answer:

A. Re-establishing trade routes: Mansa Musa is famously known for his pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324, during which he brought enormous amounts of gold and spread his kingdom's wealth throughout the cities he passed through. This action not only increased his reputation but also re-established trade routes between West Africa and the Middle East, enabling the flow of goods, ideas, and commerce that ultimately helped his kingdom flourish.

B. Mandating a state religion: While Mansa Musa was a devoted Muslim and contributed to the spread of Islam, it was not through mandating a state religion that his kingdom flourished. Religious policies did not play a significant role in the economic prosperity of the Mali Empire during his reign.

C. Selling slaves to Europe: While the Mali Empire did engage in slave trade, primarily through trans-Saharan routes, and slaves were indeed one of the goods traded during that time, it was not the key factor in the kingdom's flourishing. Slave trade, albeit a part of the economy, was not the primary focus of Mansa Musa's efforts to enhance his empire.

D. Isolating itself from others: Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca and his extravagant display of wealth clearly illustrate that he did not choose to isolate his kingdom. On the contrary, he actively engaged with neighboring empires and the wider Islamic world, showcasing the riches and power of the Mali Empire while forging valuable economic connections.

Therefore, the best answer is A. Re-establishing trade routes, as Mansa Musa's actions during his reign focused on leveraging trade and commerce to foster economic growth and strengthen his empire.