use the equation below to find v if m =11, x =2 and b=5


To find the value of y using the equation y = mx + b, we can substitute the given values of m, x, and b into the equation:

y = (11)(2) + 5

Now, we can simplify the equation:

y = 22 + 5
y = 27

Therefore, when m = 11, x = 2, and b = 5, the value of y is 27.

To find the value of y, we can substitute the given values of m, x, and b into the equation y = mx + b.

Given values:
m = 11,
x = 2,
b = 5.

Substituting these values, we have:
y = (11)(2) + 5.

Evaluating the equation, we get:
y = 22 + 5.

Simplifying the expression, we get:
y = 27.

Therefore, when m = 11, x = 2, and b = 5, the value of y is 27.

To find the value of y using the given equation y = mx + b, we need to substitute the given values of m, x, and b into the equation.

m = 11 (slope)
x = 2 (variable)
b = 5 (y-intercept)

Substituting the values into the equation, we have:
y = (11)(2) + 5

Now, we can solve for y:
y = 22 + 5
y = 27

Therefore, when m = 11, x = 2, and b = 5, the value of y is 27.