What is (3.7x10^-7)x(5.93x10^4)x0.00074x15,000 in scientific notation and decimal form?

To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, we multiply the coefficients and add the exponents.

Scientific Notation:
(3.7 x 10^-7) x (5.93 x 10^4) x 0.00074 x 15,000

Decimal Form:
0.00000037 x 59,300 x 0.00074 x 15,000

To multiply the decimals in decimal form:

0.00000037 x 59,300 = 0.021841

0.021841 x 0.00074 = 0.00001615

0.00001615 x 15,000 = 0.24225

Therefore, in scientific notation, it is approximately 2.4225 x 10^-4 and in decimal form, it is approximately 0.00024225.

To find the product of these numbers, we can simply multiply them together. Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Multiply 3.7 by 5.93 to find the product of the first two numbers:
3.7 x 5.93 = 21.901

Step 2: Multiply the result from Step 1 by 0.00074:
21.901 x 0.00074 = 0.01618974

Step 3: Finally, multiply the result from Step 2 by 15,000:
0.01618974 x 15,000 = 242.8461

To write this number in scientific notation, we need to express it as a number between 1 and 10, multiplied by a power of 10.

The result, 242.8461, can be written as:
2.428461 x 10^2

In decimal form, the result is 242.8461.