Lisette is working on an essay about the structure of the economy in the United States, which is based on blending elements of market and command economy structures. What would be an appropriate title for Lisette’s essay on the economic system of the United States? (1 point) Responses The United States Has a Market Economy The United States Has a Market Economy Labor in the United States Labor in the United States The United States’ Command Economy The United States’ Command Economy The Mixed Economy of the United States

The Mixed Economy of the United States

The appropriate title for Lisette's essay on the economic system of the United States would be "The Mixed Economy of the United States."

To arrive at this answer, one needs to understand that the question is asking for a title that reflects the blend of market and command economy structures in the United States. The phrase "mixed economy" is commonly used to describe an economic system that incorporates elements of both market and command economies. Therefore, selecting the title "The Mixed Economy of the United States" accurately captures the essence of Lisette's essay topic.

The Mixed Economy of the United States