What do we call factors that encourage people to leave their home and migrate to another place?

Select all correct options

A. Push factors

B. Forced factors

C. Neutral factors

D. Pull factors

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A. Push factors - Push factors are circumstances or conditions in a person's home country that drive or "push" them to leave and migrate to another place. This option is likely to be correct.

B. Forced factors - Forced factors typically refer to circumstances where individuals are compelled to leave their home against their will, such as due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters. While forced factors can be a reason for migration, they do not necessarily encompass all reasons people choose to migrate. Thus, this option is not as accurate as option A.

C. Neutral factors - Neutral factors do not have any significant influence in encouraging people to leave their home and migrate to another place. This option is unlikely to be correct.

D. Pull factors - Pull factors are circumstances or conditions in a different location that attract or "pull" people to migrate there. These factors can include better economic opportunities, higher living standards, political stability, or better education and healthcare systems. This option is likely to be correct.

Therefore, the correct answers are A. Push factors and D. Pull factors.

The factors that encourage people to leave their home and migrate to another place are known as push factors and pull factors.