What is 1 per second as a decimal?

1 per second is equivalent to 1/1 as a fraction, which simplifies to 1. Therefore, 1 per second as a decimal is simply 1.

To express "1 per second" as a decimal, we need to divide the number 1 by the number of seconds in one minute. Since there are 60 seconds in a minute, we divide 1 by 60.

Using a calculator, divide 1 by 60:

1 ÷ 60 = 0.01666667

Therefore, "1 per second" as a decimal is approximately 0.01666667.

To convert a rate of 1 per second into a decimal, you can calculate the fractional value by dividing 1 by the total number of seconds in a minute, which is 60.

1 / 60 = 0.0167...

Therefore, 1 per second as a decimal is approximately 0.0167.