Combine like terms to simplify the expression:


To simplify the expression, first, you need to combine the like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variable(s) and exponent(s).

In the given expression, the terms with the variable "a" are \(-0.07a\) and \(-3.92a\). To combine these terms, we add their coefficients. The coefficient is the number that multiplies the variable.

So, combining \(-0.07a\) and \(-3.92a\) gives \((-0.07-3.92)a\) or \(-3.99a\).

Now, let's rewrite the expression with the combined terms:


We have $-0.07a-3.92a=(-0.07-3.92)a=-3.99a.$ Therefore, the expression simplifies to \[1.17-0.07a+(-3.92a)=\boxed{1.17-3.99a}.\]

To combine like terms, we add or subtract the coefficients of the same variable.

The terms in the expression are:
- The constant term: 1.17
- The term with 'a': -0.07a
- The term with 'a': -3.92a

To simplify the expression, we can combine the terms with 'a'.

Adding the coefficients of -0.07a and -3.92a, we get -0.07a + (-3.92a) = -4.99a.

So, the simplified expression is:
1.17 - 0.07a - 3.92a = \boxed{1.17 - 4.99a}