Question 13: In Colombia, _________. (1 point) Responses

children are required to go to school until they are about 18

children are required to go to school until they are 9

children are required to go to school until they are about 14

children are not required to go to school

The correct response for Question 13 is:

children are required to go to school until they are about 14.

To find the answer to this question, we can look up the education system in Colombia. One way to do this is by searching online using a search engine like Google.

By searching for "education system in Colombia," we can find reliable sources such as government websites or educational institutions that provide information about education requirements in the country.

Based on the information found, we can determine that children in Colombia are required to go to school until they are about 14 years old. Therefore, the correct response is "children are required to go to school until they are about 14."

In Colombia, children are required to go to school until they are about 18.