Inequality is often considered to be one of the main causes of poverty. If poverty was eliminated, would society still have inequality?? (1 point)

Yes, poverty actually has very little to do with inequality.
No, poverty is the only form of inequality.
No, if everyone had what they needed to live that would result in equality.
Yes, inequality emerges in many ways that do not involve wealth.

Yes, inequality emerges in many ways that do not involve wealth.

Yes, inequality emerges in many ways that do not involve wealth.

The correct answer is: Yes, inequality emerges in many ways that do not involve wealth.

To understand this answer, it is important to first understand the concepts of poverty and inequality. Poverty refers to a condition where individuals or households lack the resources necessary for basic needs and a decent standard of living. Inequality, on the other hand, refers to the disparity in opportunities, privileges, and access to resources between different individuals or groups in society.

While poverty is indeed a significant factor contributing to inequality, it is not the only form of inequality. Inequality can manifest in various aspects such as education, healthcare, gender, race, employment opportunities, social status, and more. Even if poverty were completely eliminated and everyone had enough resources to meet their basic needs, there would still be other forms of inequality present in society.

For example, even if everyone had access to food, shelter, and healthcare, there could still be disparities in education and employment opportunities. Some individuals might have greater access to quality education, leading to better job prospects and higher incomes. Additionally, social hierarchies, discrimination, and biases may persist, resulting in unequal treatment and opportunities for different individuals or groups.

To answer the question accurately, it is important to recognize that while poverty is a significant factor contributing to inequality, eliminating poverty alone would not completely eliminate all forms of inequality in society.