Which of the following correctly describes the ratio 6:3?(1 point)



9 shapes to 6 triangles
9 shapes to 6 triangles

6 triangles to 3 circles
6 triangles to 3 circles

6 triangles to 9 shapes

The correct answer is: 6 triangles to 3 circles

6 triangles to 3 circles

To understand the correct description of the ratio 6:3, we need to understand what a ratio represents. A ratio compares two quantities and shows how they relate to each other.

In this case, the ratio 6:3 compares two numbers, 6 and 3. The first number in the ratio (6) represents the quantity being compared, while the second number (3) represents the quantity being compared to.

Let's look at each response to determine which one correctly describes the ratio 6:3:

1. 3/6: This response presents the ratio as a fraction, where the first number (3) is the numerator and the second number (6) is the denominator. However, this fraction doesn't simplify to the simplest form. To simplify it, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3. After simplifying, the fraction becomes 1/2. Therefore, 3/6 does not correctly describe the ratio 6:3.

2. 9 shapes to 6 triangles: This response compares the quantity of 9 shapes to 6 triangles. However, this is not the correct representation of the ratio 6:3. The correct representation should compare two equal quantities, but here we have 9 shapes to 6 triangles - which is not equal to 6:3.

3. 6 triangles to 3 circles: This response compares the quantity of 6 triangles to 3 circles. Again, this is not the correct representation of the ratio 6:3. The correct representation should compare two equal quantities, but here we have 6 triangles to 3 circles - which is not equal to 6:3.

4. 6 triangles to 9 shapes: This response correctly describes the ratio 6:3. It compares the quantity of 6 triangles to 9 shapes. This means that for every 6 triangles, there are 9 shapes. Therefore, the correct description of the ratio 6:3 is 6 triangles to 9 shapes.

So, the correct description of the ratio 6:3 is "6 triangles to 9 shapes".