_______________ – details that surround a particular event. (Background details that explain what other things were going on at the time of the historical event)

The term you are referring to is "context." Context refers to the background details, circumstances, and conditions that surround a particular event and provide a deeper understanding of the event. It includes factors such as political, social, economic, and cultural aspects that influence the events taking place during a specific time period. By considering the context, historians and scholars can gain insights into the motivations, causes, and consequences of historical events.

What other word could it be?

Another word that could describe the background details and circumstances surrounding a particular event is "historical backdrop." The term "backdrop" implies the setting or context against which an event takes place. It encompasses the broader historical, social, and cultural factors that contribute to the understanding of the event in question. Similar terms could also include "surrounding circumstances" or "historical context."

The term you are looking for is "context". Context refers to the background details and circumstances that surround a particular event, providing a broader understanding of what was happening during that time. To find the context for a historical event, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the event: Start by gathering basic information about the event itself. This could include the date, location, key figures involved, and any significant actions or outcomes.

2. Identify the time period: Determine the historical era in which the event occurred. Consider the social, political, cultural, and economic conditions of that time.

3. Explore broader historical events: Look for any major events occurring around the same time or leading up to the event you are studying. This could involve wars, revolutions, scientific discoveries, economic trends, or political movements.

4. Analyze primary sources: Examine primary sources such as newspaper articles, diaries, letters, official documents, photographs, or videos from that time. These sources can provide first-hand accounts or perspectives from people who lived during the event and can contribute to understanding the context.

5. Consult secondary sources: Read books, scholarly articles, or reliable websites that discuss the event in question. These sources often provide critical analysis and interpretation, including the broader context surrounding the event.

6. Consider different perspectives: Take into account multiple viewpoints and interpretations of the event. Different individuals or groups may have varying experiences and perceptions of the context, which can expand your understanding.

By following these steps, you can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the context surrounding a historical event.