The following question has two parts. First, answer part A. Then, answer part B.

Use the model to answer the questions.

A rectangle is divided into two sections by a vertical line. The left section is labeled inside with 260. The right section is labeled inside with B. The left edge of the rectangle is labeled 13. Across the top outside of the rectangle, the sections are labeled A tens, a plus sign above the vertical line, and C.

Part A
Carter wants to use the model above to solve 273÷13 . Explain how he would find parts A, B, and C of the model.

(2 points)

To find part A of the model, Carter would look at the top outside label of the rectangle, which is labeled "A tens." This means that A represents the tens digit of the dividend, which in this case is 273. So, A would be equal to 2.

To find part C of the model, Carter would look at the top outside label of the rectangle, which is labeled "C." This represents the quotient of the division problem, which in this case is 273 ÷ 13. So, C would be equal to the quotient of that division, which Carter would need to calculate.

To find part B of the model, Carter would need to look at the number in the right section of the rectangle, which is labeled "B." This represents the remainder of the division problem, which Carter would also need to calculate.

To find parts A, B, and C of the model, Carter would follow these steps:

Part A: The left edge of the rectangle is labeled 13. This represents the divisor in the division problem. So part A of the model represents the tens digit of the quotient. In this case, since 13 is a 2-digit number, A would be the tens digit of the quotient.

Part B: The right section of the rectangle is labeled inside with B. This represents the quotient. Carter would calculate the division problem 273 ÷ 13 to find the value of B.

Part C: Across the top outside of the rectangle, the sections are labeled A tens, a plus sign above the vertical line, and C. This represents the whole division problem. A represents the tens digit of the quotient, the plus sign represents the operation of addition, and C represents the units digit of the quotient. Carter would determine the values of A and C by working out the division problem 273 ÷ 13.

So, to find parts A, B, and C of the model, Carter would calculate the division problem 273 ÷ 13 and use the resulting quotient to determine the values of A, B, and C.

To solve the division problem 273 ÷ 13 using the given model, Carter would follow these steps to find parts A, B, and C:

Part A:
1. The left section of the rectangle is labeled inside with 260.
2. Since the left edge of the rectangle is labeled 13, this represents the divisor (the number you divide by).
3. To find part A, we need to determine how many times 13 can be subtracted from 260 until we can no longer subtract without going below zero.
4. Starting with 260, we repeatedly subtract 13 until we reach a number less than 13. The number of times we can subtract 13 is the value of part A, which is the quotient or the whole number part of the division.

Part B:
1. The right section of the rectangle is labeled inside with B.
2. This section represents the remainder of the division, which is the amount left over after dividing as much as possible.
3. After finding part A, there will be a remaining amount that cannot be divided evenly by 13. This remaining amount is the value of part B or the remainder.

Part C:
1. Across the top outside of the rectangle, the sections are labeled A tens, a plus sign above the vertical line, and C.
2. This section represents the dividend (the number you divide).
3. In this case, the dividend is 273.
4. Part C is the value of the dividend or the total number being divided.

By following these steps, Carter can determine the values of parts A, B, and C in the given model to solve the division problem 273 ÷ 13.