HUSSAIN takes an apple from the ball in the kitchen and toss it to his brother Osama in the family room what muscle contraction did HUSSAIN used to do this

HUSSAIN used his arm muscles, specifically the muscles in his shoulders and upper arm, to perform a concentric contraction in order to toss the apple to his brother.

To determine which muscle contraction Hussain used to toss the apple to his brother, we need to understand the different types of muscle contractions involved in the action.

There are three types of muscle contractions:

1. Concentric Contraction: This occurs when the muscle shortens while generating tension. It is commonly referred to as the "positive" phase of a movement. For example, when you lift a weight during a bicep curl, your biceps are undergoing concentric contractions.

2. Eccentric Contraction: This happens when the muscle lengthens while generating tension. It is commonly known as the "negative" phase of a movement. An example of this is when you lower a weight during a bicep curl, and your biceps are undergoing eccentric contractions.

3. Isometric Contraction: This refers to a contraction where the muscle stays the same length while generating tension. It occurs when there is no visible movement at a joint. For instance, when you hold a heavy object without moving it, your muscles are undergoing isometric contractions.

In the scenario mentioned, Hussain is tossing the apple, which involves a concentric contraction. As he extends his arm to throw the apple, his biceps and triceps contract in coordination. The biceps, located at the front of the upper arm, undergo concentric contractions, while the triceps, located at the back of the upper arm, undergo eccentric contractions to control the arm's movement.

Therefore, Hussain primarily used a concentric contraction in his biceps to toss the apple to his brother.

To throw the apple from the kitchen to the family room, Hussain would have used several muscle contractions. Here are the steps involved:

1. First, Hussain would have contracted his biceps brachii muscles in his upper arms to flex the elbows. This allows him to pick up the apple from the bowl in the kitchen.

2. Next, Hussain would have contracted his deltoid muscles in his shoulders to abduct and flex the arms. This motion helps in aiming the throw.

3. As Hussain prepares to throw the apple, he would have contracted his pectoralis major muscles in his chest to adduct the arms in front of his body. This action helps generate power for the throw.

4. When Hussain releases the apple, he would have contracted his triceps brachii muscles in the back of his upper arms. This muscle contraction extends the elbow, propelling the apple forward towards his brother.

Overall, Hussain would have used a combination of muscles, including the biceps brachii, deltoids, pectoralis major, and triceps brachii, to execute the throwing motion.