What is a difference between how ants and elephants primarily use grouping for survival?

Elephants use grouping for cooperation, and ants use grouping for protection of the young
Ants use grouping for better change of mating, and elephants us shrouding for better succes to food
Ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for protection of the young
Elephants use grouping for better change of mating, and ants use grouping for better access to food

The correct option is:

Elephants use grouping for cooperation, and ants use grouping for protection of the young

The correct option is: Ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for protection of the young.

The correct answer is: Ants use grouping for cooperation, and elephants use grouping for protection of the young.

To arrive at this answer, we can consider the primary functions of grouping for both ants and elephants.

Ants primarily use grouping for cooperation. They live in large colonies composed of thousands to millions of individuals working together towards a common goal. They divide labor and assign specific tasks to different individuals within the group. Some ants may be responsible for foraging, some for defending the nest, and others for taking care of the young. This cooperative behavior allows them to be more efficient in finding food, defending against predators, and maintaining the colony.

On the other hand, elephants primarily use grouping for protection of the young. Elephants live in matriarchal social structures, where a matriarch leads a group of related female elephants (called a herd) along with their offspring. By living in groups, elephants can protect their young from potential threats such as predators. The matriarch provides guidance and direction to the herd, ensuring the safety and well-being of the young elephants.

Therefore, the key difference between how ants and elephants primarily use grouping for survival is that ants use grouping for cooperation, whereas elephants use grouping for protection of the young.